Monday, March 4, 2013

Strawberry-Orange Smoothie

Hello my loves!

I am sorry! I know it has been so long since I've updated.But that is life and it happens. As it is, I have a wonderful new juicer and have begun some delicious drink recipes! Today I give to you, Strawberry-Orange smoothies!


  • One package of strawberries
  • Seven Oranges
  • Half a cup of milk
  • Eight ice cubes

First you are going to roll your oranges on the counter and between your palms This softens them up and helps get more juice out. If you have a juicer, go ahead and use that, otherwise, after softening your oranges, cut them into quarters and peel.

Next juice or blend your oranges. Seven oranges with pulp should come to about 24 ounces.

Next put your Ice and milk in the blender. Crush the ice, but only just enough to make it easy for the blender later.

Now add in your strawberries. Be sure the greens are cut off. Put the lid on and hit the blend button for a few seconds. Once you see the white milk consumed you can stop.

Now add in your orange juice, and blend one more time to mix it properly.

Your finished product will be a delicious, thick, smoothie that makes about three pints. Plenty of orange and strawberry perfectly blended so one doesn't over power the other!

Added bonus!!! This is a nice healthy drink with no added sugar. Completely fresh and healthy for you and your loved ones!

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