I just wanted to tell you a little more about the page here... mostly I wanted to explain the ads all over the page. I want to apologize, I know they're annoying and I tried my best to make sure they were at least relevant to what I do and discuss here as well as tried to make them as little annoying as possible.
I placed these ads because I don't make a lot of money. I'm lucky if I get $250 at the end of two weeks and usually it's completely gone with two days due to bills, gas and food. My boyfriend is out of work, the job market here sucks. He's been out of work since January and feels so useless even though he continues to search hard for work. I've been looking for a second job and have also been failing. I do what I can to provide for us. I've tried to save us some money by applying for food stamps this last week, we'll see how that goes...probably going to try and apply for rent assistance too.
The ad's can help us bring in a little more money, I'm hoping at least enough to pay for gas each month or maybe the phone or the net bill. I don't know to put it towards yet, but anything they help bring in really does help us in general. I'm not asking you to click the links, I'm not trying to give you a sob story either. I just know that the ads can turn people off and away I've been there before myself. But I just wanted you, the readers, to know why they are there in the first place.
Again I apologize they are there, I know exactly how it is, all I ask is that you please be patient and bare with me and continue to read Simple Cooking despite them.
Thank you all for your time. Now I'll go a head and post another little something for you! <3
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